Acta Non Verba an Elite, Secretive World- By: Samuel Brownback

Description : For some lucky and talented individuals Acta Non Verba can be their ticket to a coveted and elite lifestyle. Secret societies have existed in western culture for many years, and the members use their protected status to create wealth, fame and special benefits that regular folks will never realize.

The actual translation for Acta Non Verba is "actions (deeds) not words". This short motto has been adopted by many different organizations including the Merchant Marines. What is less well known is that this is also the name of an ultra secret society that functions in ways that are quite similar to the Freemasons.

Membership in the secret society known as Acta Non Verba can only be granted by an invitation from existing members. These invitations are extended on a regular basis but only to those individuals who pass the rigorous background and vetting checks.

While this organization is known to exist the members and potential new members are always those who belong to the highest echelons of society. The group makes it each person's responsibility to watch out for each other. As a result nepotism, favoritism and elitism are all alive and well within the organization's membership.

It has been said that Acta Non Verba members include most of the 'movers and shakers' in the modern western world.Popular, successful political candidates and businessmen are often scouted by existing members and then these names are considered for possible entry into the group.

Much of the control over Western banking, commerce, politics and finance is in the hands of well established members of the secret Acta Non Verba society. This gives the group the opportunity to shift the global economy in any direction they might wish.

Only small bits of information about this prestigious and secretive organization are known. This is due to the fact that members are sworn to secrecy at all costs.
Once the group agrees upon a short list of potential new members they covertly extend an invitation to these candidates. The invitation is in the form of a special calling card and these cards are hand delivered to each of the potential new members.

An initial interview is the first step in the actual membership process for Acta Non Verba. An individual must pass this interview if they are to move on to the second part of the membership initiation.

Every candidate that successfully passes the rigorous interview will then have a year of probationary membership to complete. It is only after they have made it through the probation period that they will be granted full access and benefits accorded to regular members.

Little is known about the probation year because the process is such a closely guarded secret.

There are tests that are presented to the potential new members that will occur regularly while they are on a probationary status. Their reactions to different situations will be judged by those who sit on the membership committee.

Beginning with the 2nd year of life within the confines of the Acta Non Verba membership things begin to change for new members. Suddenly they find a number of new doors being opened for them in both business and social settings.

Members of this secret society are mentored by other individuals who have already made it to higher levels of the organization's ranks. Secrets, tips, strategies and other financial information is then transferred that can help new members rise in the group's ranks.

Those who are members of Acta Non Verba are motivated by personal financial success; and their primary goal is to create extraordinary wealth for themselves and others who are associated with this elite group.

A multi-billionaire is said to be the present leader for the organization, and his identity is only revealed to those individuals who are promoted to the highest ranks within the group. It would be interesting to know exactly who the current leader is, although names such as Bill Gates are regularly heard being mentioned in relation to Acta Non Verba.

Once membership has been granted there are a number of impressive perks and benefits that are automatically given. Members can use their group's concierge services for almost any 'spur of the moment' whim they may desire including exclusive front row tickets for a sold-out show or private use of a luxurious yacht.

Even more important than these perks are the many financial rewards that all members get to enjoy. An individual can expect to increase their net worth 10 times in just 5 years and this 5 year cycle repeats ad infinitum.

It seems a shame that this is a privilege allowed to only a select group of people. After all if they can benefit from the mentoring, knowledge and perks of this secretive, shadowy organization what can the average person expect? Acta Non Verba jealously protects their membership lists and guards the privacy of each member.

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Author Resource : Those financial secrets are only shared among members, and while not everyone would necessarily want to become a member Acta Non Verba couldn't a few of these money making techniques be shared with the world?